Michael Medina


12-Week Programs

I offer a variety of programs for each person that is thinking about, ready to or committing to embarking on a journey to a better YOU. The majority of these programs are customizable and designed for you. 

It can be tailored to specifically target weight loss, resistance training, strength training, weight gain, endurance, conditioning, or a mix. It's really up to you! You're getting the chance to build your very own custom car and this is where you get to pick and choose each and every part! 

4-Week Programs

If you've been in the gym before, or you were very active in previous years and life just got in the way, you may be a little hesitant about jumping back into physical activity. This can be for a number of reasons - you may be afraid of injury because it's been so long. You may be lacking the motivation to just get active. It could just very well be that you are a lone wolf who wants to get in shape but doesn't know where to start. 

In these 4-week programs, we take the time to do one simple thing. Build your foundation. Most people get injured far too quickly by jumping back into physical activity at too high of an intensity, and they get discouraged easily. We will take the time to build a good STRONG foundation of your physical ability, to allow you to take the next step towards your fitness goals! 

21-Day Fix

Do you have a wedding coming up? Need to look good in your dream dress or suit? Is your Prom, High School Reunion, or cruise to the Bahamas creeping up on your calendar? Need a quick fix?

These 21-day fixes are a quick, yet challenging, way to help you meet smaller goals for that upcoming calendar date! They include a variety of exercises that gives you that push you need, while still engaging in physical activity in a safe and effective manner. 

Depending on your current state of health, i.e. medical, pre-existing injuries, physical ability, etc. this program may just be the right thing for you! Exercises are challenging but also come with modifiers if you cannot perform a particular exercise. 


Nutritional Guide

Can you workout all of the time and eat whatever you want? Yes. Can you eat healthily for the majority of your time to maintain good body composition and bodily function? Yes. Can you do either of these separately and be in your optimal state of performance? No.  

I believe strongly that if you want to see optimal results, function at optimal performance, you need to combine good healthy eating habits and choices with a good fitness program. I offer nutritional guides that give you food choices, example meals, calorie/macronutrient intake goals, and meal schedules so you can optimize your results!

You will have the option of choosing the nutritional guide as an amended part of your fitness program or you can just choose to have this service, just by itself. You get out what you put in! 

Online Coaching

*The selection of programs are currently unavailable on the website. However, you may still email me if interested and we can discuss your interests in the program and let you know the programs to choose from.*

If you're ready to take on a fitness program to get into shape, but don't have the time to commit to being in the gym several times a week, then you are like most people who have a life! And that is okay! In past experiences, people that have an issue making time to set up sessions with an instructor discourages them almost completely about getting in the gym. 

On that note, to make life a little easier, I offer online coaching and programs that you can follow on your own time and fit them into your own schedule! 

Check out each program, choose the one that is best suited for you, get in touch with me, and we go from there!